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Config File

Add a stilvoll.config.js file to the root of your project, or define the config inline based on your integration. Using a dedicated config file is the recommended way.

Check out the options for the config file below.

import { createConfig } from '@stilvoll/core';
export default createConfig({
// Input tells Stilvoll where to look for your custom
// properties and custom media breakpoints
input: ['./src/index.css'],
// Entries tells Stilvoll where to look for your markup,
// so it can figure out which CSS classes to generate.
// accepts a glob pattern
entries: [
// Array of rules to generate utility rules
rules: [
['flex', { display: 'flex' }],
// Define your breakpoints (min-width based). By default stilvoll
// will look for custom media definitions in your CSS. Setting
// breakpoints in your config, will ignore any breakpoints found
// in your code.
breakpoints: {
md: 720,
lg: 1024,
// Where to output the utility CSS
// (only used by the CLI, as postcss and vite plugin will just
// inject into the tool's CSS bundle)
output: './dist/utils.css',
// Where to output the type definitions
// (only used if you need direct access to the definitions file,
// by default the index.d.ts file will be written to the stilvoll
// package, so your code editor will automatically pick it up)
// Can be set to `false` to not generate type definitions
typeDefinitionsOutput: './dist/index.d.ts',
// Define the format of the utility classnames. Built in options
// are `snakeCase` (default setting, generating `md_col_12`) and
// `tailwind` (generating `md:col-12`). You can also pass a function
// to roll your own class name formatting.
// Keep in mind that `snakeCase` is the recommended setting when
// yout want to work with the typesafe sv import, as snake case
// object keys don't need to be quoted in JavaScript.
classNameFormat: ({ breakpoint, className }) => {
const name = className
.replaceAll('_', '-')
.filter((i) => i.toString().length > 0)
.map((i) => i.toLowerCase())
const cls = breakpoint ? `${name}@${breakpoint}` : name;
return `u-${cls}`;